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We are here to inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, each of us can change our world for the better.

Our Just

We imagine a world in which the vast
majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they
are, and end the day fulfilled by the work
they do.

We believe the best way to build this world is
to commit to building it together.

Welcome to the Help Others Industry.


Focus on momentum towards the greater vision. Build something that will outlast every one of us.

Simple language and simple ideas are easier to understand and easier to execute. Everything we say should make sense to a 10-year-old.

Find something positive in every situation and every person. Look for humor and lightness, even in challenging situations.

Embrace imperfection and the unpredictable. Be willing to see something from a different angle, and be open to doing things a different way.

Adopt an infinite

Keep it

Silver line it

Take an


  We Do

Simon started The Optimism Company as a way to share his work with as many people as possible. Today, it is a platform to teach skills and ideas that help advance our Just Cause around the world.

Here’s how we do it:

Our Optimists

Amber Hoffman


Caitlin Schwartz


Devyn Johnson


Pai Mushayamunda


Stay Connected

Our Commitment
    to Diversity

Our goal is to listen to, learn from, and engage with all identity groups and perspectives inside and outside our company. We work to have a diverse and inclusive team and work with partners who represent different experiences and perspectives from our own.


We aren’t strong or smart enough to manage work and life alone. But when we show up for each other, we can solve any problem or seize any opportunity. That’s why we’re committed to sharing the skills each of us needs to develop deep, meaningful relationships. When we learn to do that, we build better teams and stronger communities. 

This is the Help Others Industry.

Curiosity is essential
                   for progress.

We fully agree, so we like to reward curiosity.
Use code GETCURIOUS for 20% off your next purchase.

A spark is something quite small and, by itself, not very powerful. But a spark has the ability to ignite. An idea is like a spark; alone it is just a set of words, but it too can ignite. A great idea can inspire others to dream bigger. Let us all work together to ignite something greater than ourselves.

Let us all be a Spark of Optimism.