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The Optimism Library


About The
  Optimism Library

The library features recordings of our very best live online classes.

There are more than 45 world-class lessons led by our brilliant instructors to help leaders, teams, and individuals.

Get inspired anywhere, anytime.



$299.99 / year $209.99 / year

auto-renews yearly


$29.99 / month $20.99 / month

auto-renews monthly

Library Includes:


The Infinite Game

The game of life is infinite, so we've got to play smart and be adaptable.


Build Trusting Teams

Trust is vital to a team’s success, but how do we actually put it into practice?

Eat Last

Leaders Eat Last

There are leaders and there are those who lead—this class is for the latter.

Prepare for

Prepare for Existential Flexibility

Change is inevitable—whether it’s cultural, political, or technological. The good news is that your team can be prepared and ready to adapt.

The Courage
 To Lead 

Demonstrate The Courage To Lead 

Learn to become the type of leader others want to rely on, even when times are tough.

Conquer Overwhelm
and Boost Productivity

Conquer Overwhelm and Boost Productivity

Think clearer, breathe easier, and tackle your to-do list by breaking the stress cycle.

Beat Burnout

Beat Burnout

Want to regain control and stop the vicious cycle of excessive stress and exhaustion? Let's beat burnout together.

The Gratitude Class

The Gratitude Class

Unearth the fearless gratitude that is already within your relationships, work, and life.


Make Everyone Matter

Sustained fulfillment comes from knowing that we, and our work, matter.

Happy Culture,
Happy People

Happy Culture, Happy People

Help your employees find motivation, momentum, and maintain their wellbeing.

Work Smarter,
Not Longer

Work Smarter, Not Longer

The four-day workweek is coming—learn how to implement it and reclaim some vital time for life!

Cultural Intelligence
For Inclusive Leadership 

Cultural Intelligence For Inclusive Leadership 

Learn how to create a truly inclusive culture that allows people the freedom and safety to be their best, authentic selves at work.

Raise Your

Raise Your Resilience

Learn the science of resilience and leave class with a game plan to take on any challenge that comes your way.

Your Stress
And Anxiety 

Reduce Your Stress And Anxiety 

Strengthen your emotional resilience to better cope with struggles and lead a happier life.

Worthy Rivals

Study Worthy Rivals

Let’s explore the differences between a competition mindset and one of rivalry.

And more!


Pretty great actually—thanks so much for asking! We hope you’re having a great day as well.

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1. Sign in to your account
2. Click on My Learning Dashboard
3. Scroll down to the “My Optimism Library” section and select a video!

You’ll have access as long as you’re subscribed. Your account auto-renews either monthly or annually, depending on the plan you chose.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

1. Head here to reset your password

2. Enter your email address (the one you used at checkout)

3. Check your email inbox for further instructions

No. They were live at one point, but when you watch classes through our subscription service, you are watching the recordings of previous live online classes.

If you are interested in live online classes where you can interact with your instructors and classmates, visit simonsinek.com/classes.

Recordings can be viewed at any time day or night, and you can pause and rewatch whenever you like. Our live online classes generally only happen once per month. The subscription service also provides exclusive classes that you can’t find live.

If you learn better by being an active participant, we recommend our live online classes at simonsinek.com/classes.

Right now we have over 45 classes, but we’re continually adding new ones.

The Optimism Library does NOT include out online courses, such as The Art of Presenting and Find Your WHY. It also does not include Start with WHY or Refine Your WHY—we’ve found those two classes require the interactivity that can only be offered in a live experience. These classes are available at simonsinek.com/classes .

You can pause or cancel at any time in the Subscriptions tab on the left menu of your account.

The Optimism Library is designed to help you grow. If you watch a class or two and realize it’s not the right fit, no worries! We will provide you with a full refund within the first 48 hours after subscribing. Just contact us here!

While we wish we could clone Simon, science just isn’t quite there yet. He’s trained our Master Trainers himself to teach the majority of our classes. However, our online courses, Find Your WHY and The Art of Presenting, are taught by Simon!

Yes! We recommend only doing so over Wi-Fi, unless you have an unlimited data plan.

You can buy up to 50 subscriptions through our website, or you can request a bulk order.

You can use the Optimism Library Contact Form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Curiosity is essential
                   for progress.

We fully agree, so we like to reward curiosity.
Use code GETCURIOUS for 20% off your next purchase.

A spark is something quite small and, by itself, not very powerful. But a spark has the ability to ignite. An idea is like a spark; alone it is just a set of words, but it too can ignite. A great idea can inspire others to dream bigger. Let us all work together to ignite something greater than ourselves.

Let us all be a Spark of Optimism.