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Don Yaeger

Don Yaeger has been called “one of America’s best storytellers” by many of today’s great business and thought leaders. A longtime associate editor for Sports Illustrated, Don has taught virtual classes to students at 21 different college campuses, and has written more than 30 books—11 of them becoming New York Times best-sellers. He has delivered acclaimed leadership speeches and virtual presentations worldwide and has developed a knack for connecting audiences to memorable stories.

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Curiosity is essential
                   for progress.

We fully agree, so we like to reward curiosity.
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A spark is something quite small and, by itself, not very powerful. But a spark has the ability to ignite. An idea is like a spark; alone it is just a set of words, but it too can ignite. A great idea can inspire others to dream bigger. Let us all work together to ignite something greater than ourselves.

Let us all be a Spark of Optimism.