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Deeyah Khan

Deeyah Khan envisions a world where every single person feels seen, heard, and understood. An Emmy® & BAFTA award-winning documentary maker, Deeyah employs a refreshing and fearless approach to listening, one that keeps others’ humanity front and center. Her work is bold and thought-provoking. No matter who she speaks to, from victims of terrorism to Neo-Nazis, Deeyah pursues understanding above all else. In these polarizing times, her perspective dares us to seek connection and resist the urge to give up on each other.

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Curiosity is essential
                   for progress.

We fully agree, so we like to reward curiosity.
Use code GETCURIOUS for 20% off your next purchase.

A spark is something quite small and, by itself, not very powerful. But a spark has the ability to ignite. An idea is like a spark; alone it is just a set of words, but it too can ignite. A great idea can inspire others to dream bigger. Let us all work together to ignite something greater than ourselves.

Let us all be a Spark of Optimism.